Midland CSCD Vision:
"Change thinking in order to change behavior."
Midland CSCD Mission:
Equip individuals on community supervision with the skills necessary to eliminate future criminal behavior and become productive citizens.
This will be accomplished by:
- Assessing offender risk;
- Targeting criminogenic needs.
- Applying the majority of our resources to those individuals with the highest risk of criminal behavior.
- Utilizing evidence-based interventions designed to change offender behavior.
- Believing that individuals can change.
- Enforcing the conditions of community supervision ordered by the courts in a firm but fair manner through the utilization of a continuum of sanctions.
- Treating all individuals with respect and dignity.
- Creating an organizational culture of teamwork, mutual respect, continual learning, and professional growth.
Contact Us
Phone: (432) 688-4100
215 W Industrial
Midland, TX 79701
Business Hours:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Drug Lab Hours:
7:00 AM - 5:45 PM Monday through Thursday
7:00 AM - 1:45 PM Friday through Sunday
Call in Line 432-219-2622
Kiosk only Reporting (Must be ASSIGNED to Kiosk only reporting in order to do so):
Payments and Kiosk only reporting
6:15 AM to 8:30 PM Monday through Thursday
6:15 AM to 5:00 PM Friday
Counseling services and scheduled officer reporting are sometimes conducted outside of normal business hours.